Holidays and Diet Tips


Keep those holiday pounds at bay. Decide what your eating goals are and prepare for them ahead of time. Overeating is a phenomenon common to everyone around the holidays. Uncomfortable situations, like a room full of strangers - or worse, family - can leave you aching to dissolve your discomfort with a big wedge of cake.

If you know that you've got a party to attend, don't skimp on regular meals or you'll spend the night scarfing down festive fare. Instead have a light snack to tide you over until dinner.

Be aware of what you are eating and notice when you have really had enough.

Minimize rather than eliminate the amount of 'extras' like gravy, butter and desserts you consume. If you let yourself have a few bites of things that give you pleasure, you won't feel deprived.

Good food, friends and conversation can lead to overeating.

Think about the food that's going to be served and how you're going to handle yourself.

If you're temped to nibble while you chat, keep your hands busy (hold something in your hands).

Just because you've blown an evening of sensible eating doesn't mean you've blown the season. You won't gain weight from one event. What counts is how you handle the whole season.

It takes approximately 3,500 calories to gain a pound of fat.

For alcohol users - Alcohol lowers your blood sugar on an empty stomach, that can in turn stimulate your appetite. Begin a festive evening with mineral water or a low caloric drink, then treat yourself to your favorite alcoholic beverage.

To prevent bad hangovers drink a glass of water after every alcoholic drink. Alcohol is a diuretic and drinking lots of water helps replace lost fluids and prevent dehydration. It is also good idea to have at least two glasses of water before you go to bed.

Beware of office chocolate overdoses. Take just one piece and pass the rest to co-workers.

Don't stock your house with holiday goodies more than day or two before you host an event.

Carry a toothbrush with you. When you've filled your food quota, brush - you'll be less likely to eat more.

Try making lower-fat versions of your holiday favorites.

Pineapple is good remedy for food overindulgence.
Fresh pineapple is loaded with an enzyme that helps you digest protein. So if you’ve eaten too much, a couple of slices will make you feel better and it will help you digest protein food much faster.

Real Cooking


For cheese and chocolate fondue use shallow, heavy bottomed cast-iron or porcelain fondue pot. Do not use a porcelain fondue pot for meat because they will not withstand the high temperature required for oil.

Never use fondue forks for dipping, because that may transfer sauce to the cooking oil, creating sediment in the oil, and reduce frying temperature.

Use fondue forks with different shaped handles or colors so guests can determine whose forks are whose.

Never try to eat directly from the fondue fork because they can get extremely hot. Dinner forks should be available.

Proper fondue plates should have separate compartments for sauces, vegetables, and meat. Uncooked meat and vegetables should be always served separately. To serve sauces you can also use small bowls.

Serve cheese fondues with various breads for dipping. Even stale bread can taste delicious when swirled in the creamy cheese sauce. Bread should include crusts to help stay on the forks.

Never fill more than 1/3 of the fondue pot with melted cheese, oil or chocolate because it may bubble up when raw food is added.

For a lighter healthy version of the meat fondue replace the cooking oil with stock or broth.

Serve raw meat, poultry and fish for fondue on beds of ice. Keep in mind that raw meat should not be left at room temperature for more than 2 hours.

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