Romwell Cookbook

Romwell Real Cooking


Welcome to Romwell Real Cooking. Take a moment now to familiarize yourself with all the helpful features you'll find on our cooking pages. Look at the variety of tasty recipes, bookmark this page for future reference and enjoy. We think you will find our cookbook fun to browse through and easy to use.

Cookbook Site Map
Healthy Eating

If you decide to try our selection of healthy recipes, you'll discover that healthy eating is a lot more delicious than you may have thought... More>>

Great Beverages

In this part of our cookbook you will find great recipes for beverages, delicious and easy to prepare but quite capable to satisfy your cravings... More>>

The Magic of Coffee

The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee can vary greatly, depending on its origin or the composition of the blend, the method of brewing and the strength of... More>>

The Onion Story

No other group of ingredients is more versatile and basic to cooking than the famous member of the allium family - onion. Cultivated around the... More>>

1-inch steak grilling time at 125-135º F
minutes for RARE
1-inch steak grilling time at 145-155º F
minutes for MEDIUM
1-inch steak grilling time at 160-170º F
minutes for WELL DONE

Browse Great Cooking Pages

Practical and Delicious

Pasta Dishes

In nearly all recipes for pasta, as well as the numerous varieties of pasta dishes, the first steps in their preparation for the table are practically the same, for all of these foods pasta and sauce must be cooked to a certain point and in a certain way before they can be used in... More>>

Understanding the Value

Meat Dishes

We are encouraged to eat more fruits and vegetables, but that doesn't mean we have to give up meat. Red meat is a concentrated source of essential nutrients like vitamins B-12, protein, iron and zinc and most of the lean cuts have basically the same calories as fish. More>>

Prepare food that is safe to eat

Food Handler Guide

Most food poisonings can be traced back to one main cause the FOOD HANDLER! Improperly handled food and equipment, poorly washed dishes and multi-service articles have potential to spread pathogenic bacteria and open the door for dangerous foodborne diseases... More>>

Measurements and terms vary

Cooking Tips & Guides

Measurements and terms for food vary from country to country, even if both countries speak English. For example, an American quart is about 1 cup less than a Canadian quart. Remember, one of the secrets of good cooking is to keep ingredients in their proportions. More>>

What Pathogenic Bacteria Need to Grow

Bacteria will begin to grow and multiply when they are comfortable in their surroundings. It will double every 20 minutes if its surroundings are perfect. Bacteria grow best in the temperature range between 4ºC and 60ºC. Temperature below 4ºC, and temperature between 60ºC and 74ºC, will not kill bacteria, but it will not allow them to multiply enough times to cause an illness. In order to kill pathogenic bacteria you need temperatures above 74ºC. Temperature is the easiest factor to control in order to prevent bacterial growth.

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