Cookie Tips

Pastry Blender does a very efficient and quick job of cutting fat into dry ingredients. Choose one that feels good in your hand.

Baking soda and baking powder do not last forever. To taste baking soda and baking powder for freshness, mix baking soda with a little vinegar, and baking powder with a little warm water. If they bubble furiously, they are fresh.

Always use unsalted butter for cookies or short breads, because salted butter browns more quickly and  affects the flavor of baked goods.

Bake cookies on baker's paper (parchment paper) or non-stick cookie sheet, they will lift off the baking tray easily and you will avoid the extra calories you'd add by greasing the trays.

If you are using baker's paper (parchment paper), you can reuse it over and over, until it become browned at the corners.

Oven temperatures can vary up to 50 F (28 C) so test the heat of your oven with an oven thermometer. They are available at cookware or hardware shops and inexpensive.

For thicker, chewier cookies, place prepared cookie dough and pans in freezer for 8 to 10 minutes before baking. You may have add a minute or two to your baking time, but your cookies won't spread as much.

To avoid sogginess, cool cookies completely before packaging.

Most cookies freeze well because of their relatively high fat content, so take some of the stress out of holidays by baking ahead.

To freeze baked cookies, place them in a tin with the lid and then place the tin in plastic bag and tie.

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