Nutritive Value of Dried Food

It is important to know that nutritive value of dried food, as well as flavor and appearance, is best protected by low temperature and low humidity during storage.

Dried fruits are a good source of energy because they contain concentrated fruit sugars. Fruits also contain a rather large amount of vitamins and minerals. The drying process, however, destroys some of the vitamins, especially A and C. There are more calories in dried foods on a weight-for-weight basis because of the concentration of nutrients. For example, 100 grams of fresh apricots have 51 calories, while 100 grams of dried apricots have 260 calories. 

Exposing fruit to sulfur before drying helps retain vitamins A and C. Sulfur destroys thiamine, one of the B vitamins, but fruit is not an important source of thiamine anyway. Many dried fruits are rich in riboflavin and iron.

Vegetables are a good source of minerals and the B vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Both fruits and vegetables provide useful amounts of the fiber (bulk) we need. Save the water used for soaking or cooking dried foods because this nutrient-rich water can be used in recipes to make soups, sauces, and gravy.

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Did You Know?
Certain foods inhibit, alleviate or reduce symptoms of common health problems.

For example, a fundamental factor to managing diabetes is diet. To lower your sugar levels, it is suggested that you eat: regular meals and snacks; a balance of starches, protein and fats; and low-fat, high-fibre foods.

For arthritis, anti-inflammatory foods may help ease the pain of stiff joints, so eat plenty of fatty fish, salmon, sardines, foods high in vitamin C, fresh green and yellow vegetables, nuts and whole grains, high fibre and low-calorie foods to help control weight.

To reduce inflammation, cut down on foods containing animal fats. FREE Recipes