How to Prepare Plain Salt Pork

Rub each piece of pork meat with pickling salt, and pack closely in a container. Let stand over-night.

The next day weigh out ten pounds of pickling salt and two ounces of salt peter (
sodium nitrate) for each 100 pounds of meat, and dissolve in four gallons of boiling water.

Pour this brine, when cold, over the meat, cover, and weight the meat down to keep it under the brine.

The pork should be kept in the brine until used.

NOTE: For all curing always use pickling salt and not table salt, as the latter contains starch to keep it dry and this starch may cause the meat to spoil. If you carefully follow these directions you will have delicious sugar-cured hams and bacon.

Pickling Salt
or Dairy Salt is fine-grained salt that has no additives and is generally used in brines to pickle foods. Unlike table salt, the lack of additives will help keep the pickling liquid from clouding.

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