
dia = diameter
fl oz = fluid ounce
g = gram
kcal = kilocalorie (commonly known as calories)
IU = International Units
lb = pound
mg = microgram
mg = milligram
ml = milliliter
NA = not available
oz = ounce
pkg = package
RE = retinol equivalent
sq = square
tbsp = tablespoon
Tr = trace
tsp = teaspoon

Real Cooking

Did You Know?
To sterilize empty jars, place them right side up on the rack in a boiling-water canner. Fill the canner and jars with hot (not boiling) water to 1 inch above the tops of the jars. Boil 10 minutes at altitudes of less than
1,000 feet.

To sterilize empty jars at higher elevations, boil 1 additional minute for each additional 1,000 feet elevation.

Remove and drain hot sterilized jars one at a time as filled.