Powerful Carrots

A carrot (Daucus carota) is a root vegetable that belongs to the family Apiaceae, and it is typically orange in color with a woody texture. Carrots have a taproot, which is a straight tapering root that grows vertically down and forms a center from which other roots sprout.The wild ancestor of the carrot is the wildflower Wild carrot.

Carrots originally came in purple, white and yellow colours. The now synonymous orange carrot was developed in Holland as a tribute to William I of Orange during the Dutch fight for independence from Spain in the 16th century.

Carrots are often eaten raw, whole or shaved into salads for color, and are often cooked in soups and stews. One can also make carrot cake. The greens are not generally eaten in most cultures, but are edible. Together with onion and celery, carrots are one of the primary vegetables used in a mirepoix to make various broths.

Carrots are nature's BEST source of the very powerful antioxidant Vitamin A! Antioxidants protect cells from free radicals which can damage the basic structure of healthy cells.

Did You Know?

BETA-CAROTENE (the plant precursor to vitamin A) is a well-known infection fighter that protects the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, nose and sinuses. It's abundant in the dark green and vibrant  orange vegetables that make great winter soups, tasty salads and casseroles: broccoli, squash, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potatoes, kale, and escarole.

The nutrients in carrots can help you to:

    strengthen the immune system
    help regulate metabolism
    help maintain healthy skin
    help maintain vision
    help protect cells

Many studies show that the nutrients in carrots may reduce risk of...

    Heart disease
High blood pressure
    Some types of cancer

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Mirepoix is the French name (from the town) for a combination of onions, carrots and celery commonly used to flavor soups , stews and sauces, but it is not the only such combination, even in the French culinary repertoire. They may be used in various combinations, as dictated by the cuisine and the dish itself. Other combinations include onions, carrots, celery (both Pascal and celeriac), leekss, parsnips, garlic, diced ham, tomatoes, shallots, mushrooms, peppers and chilis, and ginger are among the ingredients commonly referred to as aromatics.

Traditionally, the ratio for mirepoix is 2:1:1, onions, celery, carrots. Or, 50% onion, 25% carrot, and 25% celery. The ratio for mirepoix to bones for stock is 10 pounds of bones to 1 pound of mirepoix.

When making a white stock, or fond blanc, mushrooms or leeks are used instead of carrots.


Boil a pint of carrots with a piece of butter about as large as a walnut and a lump of sugar until they are tender. Press through a colander and put into a pint of boiling milk, thickened with a tablespoonful each of butter and flour, dilute this with soup stock or chicken broth, and just before taking up add the yolks of two eggs well beaten and two tablespoonfuls of cream.


Scrape carrots clean, cut into small pieces and boil with sufficient cold water to cover them. Boil until tender, and put through the colander, weigh the carrots, add white sugar pound for pound and boil five minutes. Take off and cool. When cool add the juice of two lemons and the grated rind of one, two tablespoonfuls of brandy and eight or ten bitter almonds chopped fine to one pound of carrot. Stir all in well and put in jars.

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