Popular Drinks

A signature drink instantly makes any occasion festive...

Irish Coffee

Irish Coffee

Irish coffee is great beverage for cold evenings or an
after-dinner treat.


1 cup double strength hot coffee (your favorite blend)
1 ounce Irish whiskey
2 teaspoons sugar
Whipped cream or Irish Whip for topping
Cocoa or cinnamon powder for garnish

NOTE: To make double strength coffee, use two tablespoons coffee for each cup (6 ounce) brewed.

For Irish Whip:
To prepare Irish Whip you need to whip 1/2 cup heavy cream, stir in 1½ tablespoons Irish cream liqueur, pipe or spoon onto hot coffee and sprinkle lightly with cocoa or cinnamon powder.

NOTE: There is enough cream to top four large mugs of coffee!


1. Add 1 ounce Irish whiskey and 2 teaspoons sugar to each cup double strength hot coffee.
2. Top with whipped cream or or Irish Whip and sprinkle with cocoa or cinnamon powder.
3. Serve hot.

Makes 1 serving.


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Did You Know?

Coffee berries and their seeds undergo several processes before they become the familiar roasted coffee. First, coffee berries are picked, generally by hand. Then they are sorted by ripeness and color and the flesh of the berry is removed, usually by machine, and the seeds—usually called beans—are fermented to remove the slimy layer of mucilage still present on the bean. When the fermentation is finished, the beans are washed with large quantities of fresh water to remove the fermentation residue, which generates massive amounts of coffee wastewater. Finally, the seeds are dried.

The best (but least utilized) method of drying coffee is using drying tables. In this method the pulped and fermented coffee is spread thinly on raised beds, which allows the air to pass on all sides of the coffee; then the coffee is mixed by hand. In this method the drying that takes place is more uniform, and fermentation is less likely. Most African Coffee is dried in this manner and certain coffee farms around the world are starting to use this traditional method. Next, the coffee is sorted, and labeled as green coffee.

Another way to let the coffee beans dry is to let them sit on a cement patio and rake over them in the sunlight. Some companies use cylinders to pump in heated air to dry the coffee beans, though this is generally in places where the humidity is very high.

The Magic of Coffee