
Cooking Glossary A - Z

Cooking Glossary


A small pouch or bag containing a small quantity of something, usually used for herbs.

Highly seasoned minced meat mixed with a thick syrup.

Sambal Ulek or sambal oelek is used as an accompaniment and in cooking. It is made by crushing fresh red chilies with a little salt.
To prepare: Remove the seeds from the chilies, chop finely, then crush with salt using a pestle and mortar. Three chilies will make about 1 tablespoon sambal ulek (also available redy-prepared in small jars from Oriental stores and some delicatessens).

To kill 999 out of 1000 pathogenic micro-organisms.

Browning food first on one side and then on the other in a small quantity of fat. In this cooking process, the fat is placed in a shallow pan, and when it is sufficiently hot, the food is put into it. Foods that are to be sautéed are usually sliced thin or cut into small pieces, and they are turned frequently during the process of cooking. All foods prepared in this way are difficult to digest, because they become more or less hard and soaked with fat.

To heat to temperature just below boiling point.

Scrapple is term used for boiled, ground leftover pieces of pig, together with cornmeal and spices, usually served with a spicy tomato catsup.

To brown surface rapidly at high temperature.

Plain soda water.

Small pointed members of the onion family with an elongated oval shape that grow in clusters something like garlic and have a sweet, mild, onion taste with a hint of garlic. Shallots are usually used in French cooking.

To pass through a sieve.

To cook in liquid at a temperature just below boiling.

A term used in the US for light cream.

A long pin of wood or metal on which food is placed and held in shape while cooking.

To cut or shred into long, thin pieces.

Water that contains very little mineral matter. A common example of soft water is rainwater.

Also called Bermuda onion. Large and not as "hot" as standard onions. This nomenclature may vary in some regions. Often used to mean "Red Spanish Onion" which is not so much red as purple.

A resistant body formed by certain micro-organisms when exposed to unfriendly environments.

A family of vegetables. All but two have a thick, hard, usually inedible rind, rich tasting meat, and lots of seeds. A well known if not wide-spread example is the pumpkin. There are also things called summer squashes, which have edible rinds, milder meats, and usually fewer seeds. An example of this type is the zucchini or courgette.

Starch, one of the chief forms of carbohydrates, is found only in the vegetable kingdom. It is present in large quantities in the grains and in potatoes; in fact, nearly all vegetables contain large or small amounts of it. It is stored in the plant in the form of granules that lie within the plant cells. Pure starch is a white, tasteless and odorless powder that is insoluble in cold water or alcohol. It consists of two types of molecules: the linear and helical amylose and the branched amylopectin. Depending on the plant, starch generally contains 20 to 25% amylose and 75 to 80% amylopectin.
Wheat starch paste was used by Egyptians to stiffen cloth and during weaving linen and possibly to glue papyrus. Romans used starch also in cosmetic creams, to powder the hair and to thicken sauces. Persians and Indians used starch to make dishes similar to gothumai wheat halva. In China, with the invention of paper, rice starch was used as a surface treatment of the paper.
Digestive enzymes have problems digesting crystalline structures. Raw starch will digest poorly in the duodenum and small intestine, while bacterial degradation will take place mainly in the colon. Resistant starch is starch that escapes digestion in the small intestine of healthy individuals. In order to increase the digestibility, starch is cooked. Hence, before humans started using fire, eating grains was not a very useful way to get energy.
Cooking applied to starch changes it into a form that is digestible. Moist heat cooks the granules until they expand and burst and thus thicken the mass. Dry heat changes starch first into a soluble form and finally into what is called dextrine, this being the intermediate step in the changing of starch into sugar.

To kill all micro-organisms.

To cook covered in a small amount of simmering or boiling water for a long time.

The liquid in which meat, poultry, fish or vegetables have been cooked.

This is whiskey made from only one grain and it is not blended with anything else, including other whiskeys.

Cooking method that consists of putting buttered parchment paper on top of vegetables in a pan, covering the pan with a lid, and letting them cook until softened.

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"The preplanning makes cooking simple; knowing how to prepare food properly makes every meal delicious."

~ Maya Gavric


Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is a lot more delicious than you may have thought...

Did You Know?

Saturated fatty acids are fatty acids found mostly in foods from animals and some plants. They are usually solid at room temperature. Foods from animals that have lots of saturated fat and contain dietary cholesterol include; beef, beef fat, veal, lamb, pork, lard, poultry fat, butter, cream, milk, cheeses, and other dairy products made from whole milk. Plant foods that contain high amount of saturated fatty acids include coconut oil, palm oil and palm kernel oil. Saturated fatty acids are considered the main dietary culprit in raising blood cholesterol levels.

Most of us know that certain foods can be bad for our health, but did you know that certain foods may alleviate the symptoms of common health disorders like arthritis or diabetes?

A fundamental factor to managing diabetes is diet. For diabetes you should have balanced diet low in fat and sugar. Enjoy fresh green vegetables and food high in fibre.

Arthritis is associated with more than hundred types of disorders. It is characterized by joint inflammation, stiffness, swelling and pain. Anti-inflammatory foods may help ease the pain and stiffness. Cut down on foods containing animal fats and eat plenty of fish. Also try to enjoy fresh green and yellow vegetables and food high in vitamin C. We also recommend diet high in fibre like whole grains and nuts and other high-fibre low calorie food to help control weight.

To counter the effects of hypertension (high blood pressure), eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, legumes, low in fat and high-fibre foods. Cut down on: smoked meat, processed meat, canned and processed foods, added salt and fatty foods.

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