RomWell Internet Guide

Online Safety

Mobile Apps

Important Things You Should Know About Mobile Apps

Apps might:

Collect and share personal information

Let your kids spend real money — even if the app is free

Include ads

Link to social media

But the apps might not tell you they’re doing it.

Here’s what you and your kids can do to learn about an app before you download it:

Look at screen shots

Read the description, content rating, and user reviews

Do some research on the developer, including outside reviews from sources you respect

Check what information the app collects

Before you pass the phone or tablet to your kids, take a look at the settings. You may be able to:

Restrict content to what’s right for your kid’s age

Set a password so apps can’t be downloaded without it, and kids can’t buy stuff without it

Turn off Wi-Fi and data services or put the phone in airplane mode so it can’t connect to the internet

The best way to keep up with kids’ apps is to try them out yourself, and talk to your kids about your rules for buying and using apps.

Information Source:

More about Online Safety for Kids...

Mobile Sharing and Networking

Socializing and sharing on-the-go can foster creativity and fun, but could cause problems related to personal reputation and safety. Use care when sharing photos and videos. Most mobile phones have camera and video capability, making it easy for teens to capture and share every moment. Encourage kids to get permission from the photographer or the person in the shot before posting videos or photos. It’s easier to be smart upfront about what media they share than to do damage control later. Find out more...

Promote locally
to build long term loyalty
Add personal touch
to build trust and connection
Combine the best tools
use online and offline marketing

Did You Know?

Marketing a new product or service is very challenging, because billions of dollars are spent regularly developing and launching new products and services all over the world.

Market failure is the most common reason for a product or service to fail. The other common failures are: financial failure (when product or service doesn't make any or enough money, cost of production and implementation of the service have not been sufficiently thought out in the specification stage, waste of time, etc.); organizational failure (poor management, miscommunication, lost productivity, failure to innovate, poor or bad collaboration, etc.) technical failure (when it doesn't work properly, wrong concept, poor implementation etc.) and political failure (when the source of failure is action by the government). Find out more...