

Timeless Wisdom of Aesop

The Camel and the Arab

An Arab camel-driver, after completing the loading of his Camel, asked him which he would like best, to go up hill or down.

The poor beast replied, not without a touch of reason:

"Why do you ask me? Is it that the level way through the desert is closed?"

Foresake the hard when an easier way is available.

Education Pages

We live in democratic and progressive society, so every student must be educated for leadership as well as for obedience. Every student must have power of self-direction and power of directing others, power of administration, ability to assume positions of responsibility. This necessity of educating for leadership is as great on the industrial as on the political side and gives opportunity for positive personal achievement. >>> Learn more...

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Travel Africa

Africa is the name of a continent comprised of 54 countries, eight territories and two de facto independent states with limited or no recognition, representing the largest of the three great southward projections from the main mass of the Earth's surface. Separated from Europe by the Mediterranean Sea, it is joined to Asia at its northeast extremity by the Isthmus of Suez, 130 km (80 miles) wide. The continent also includes Madagascar and various archipelagos.