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Nurse Rene M. Caisse is world renowned for having made significant contributions to the field of natural medicine. Since 1922, Nurse Caisse used Essiac, her original herbal formula, to promote immune system health and overall well-being worldwide.

Essiac Tea, given its name by Rene Caisse consists of four main herbs that grow in the wilderness of Ontario, Canada. The original Essiac Tea formula is believed to have its roots in native Canadian Ojibway medicine. The four main herbs that make up Essiac Tea are Burdock Root, Slippery Elm Inner Bark, Sheep Sorrel and Indian Rhubarb Root. The four herbs in Essiac may help: normalize body systems by cleansing the blood purging toxic build up promoting cell repair aiding in effective assimilation and elimination. When combined, as in Essiac Tea, it is believed that their separate beneficial effects are enhanced.

Burdock root is used in folk medicine to improve digestion, to clean the blood, to increase urination, or as a laxative. Laboratory studies have shown some anti-tumor effects. Rhubarb can be a strong laxative. Sheep sorrel is claimed to be effective against cancer. Slippery elm has a long, safe history in alleviating sore throats. It is used in many herbal cough drops or teas for sore throats.

The Essiac herbal supplement is a proprietary herbal formula and only Essiac brand is the original and legendary formula. Essiac Tea remains at the forefront of alternative formulas.

Note: The US Food and Drug Administration has not approved Essiac Tea as a cancer treatment or treatment for any other disease.

Facts and Information about Essiac Tea:

Essiac Tea was first promoted 1920s.
Essiac Tea is an herbal tea mixtures that are sold worldwide as health tonics or herbal dietary supplements.
Essiac Tea Supporters state that Essiac makes the immune system stronger and have anti-inflammatory effects.
Essiac Tea contains no artificial flavor, coloring or preservatives.
The herbs are grown without the use of herbicides or pesticides.

Recommended Readings:

The Story of ESSIAC® byRene M. Caisse, R.N.
Could Essiac Halt Cancer?
Inhibition of prostate cancer-cell proliferation by Essiac
Rene M. Caisse RN
Essiac Tea

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