RomWell Internet Guide

Online Safety

Detect Malware

Monitor your computer for unusual behavior. Your computer may be infected with malware if it:

slows down, crashes, or displays repeated error messages

won't shut down or restart

serves a barrage of pop-ups

serves inappropriate ads or ads that interfere with page content

won’t let you remove unwanted software

injects ads in places you typically wouldn’t see them, such as government websites

displays web pages you didn't intend to visit, or sends emails you didn't write

Other warning signs of malware include:

new and unexpected toolbars or icons in your browser or on your desktop

unexpected changes in your browser, like using a new default search engine or displaying new tabs you didn’t open

a sudden or repeated change in your computer's internet home page

a laptop battery that drains more quickly than it should

Information Source: United States Federal Trade Commission,

More about malware...

Getting a Financial Picture

If you want run successful business you should have real financial picture of a business. Accurate, up-to date records are very important for every aspects of your business. It's certainly not fun, but without accurate records, you simply cannot run a successful business. It is much easier to deal with various tax departments of government or with your banker if your records are complete and comprehensible. Learn more...

Promote locally
to build long term loyalty
Add personal touch
to build trust and connection
Combine the best tools
use online and offline marketing

Did You Know?

Marketing a new product or service is very challenging, because billions of dollars are spent regularly developing and launching new products and services all over the world.

Market failure is the most common reason for a product or service to fail. The other common failures are: financial failure (when product or service doesn't make any or enough money, cost of production and implementation of the service have not been sufficiently thought out in the specification stage, waste of time, etc.); organizational failure (poor management, miscommunication, lost productivity, failure to innovate, poor or bad collaboration, etc.) technical failure (when it doesn't work properly, wrong concept, poor implementation etc.) and political failure (when the source of failure is action by the government). Find out more...