A Tea Party Ballad

Just by beauteous Boston lying
On the gently swelling flood;
Without Jack or streamers flying,
Three ill-fated tea-ships rode.

Just as glorious Sol was setting,
On the wharf, a numerous crew—
Sons of Freedom, fear forgetting,
Suddenly appeared in view.

Armed with chisel, axe and hammer,—
Weapons new for warlike deed;
Towards the herbage-freighted vessels,
They approached with dauntless speed.

O'er their heads aloft in mid sky,
Three bright angel forms were seen;
This was Hampden,—that was Sidney,
With fair Liberty between.

Soon they cried, "Your foes you'll banish,
Soon the glory shall be won;
Nor shall setting Phœbus vanish,
Ere the matchless deed be done!"

Quick as thought the ships were boarded,
Hatches burst and chests displayed;
Axe and hammers help afforded,—
What a glorious crash they made!

Quick into the deep descended,
Cursed weed of China's coast;
Thus at once our fears were ended,—
Freemen's rights shall ne'er be lost!

Tea Masters

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Kids Corner

Kids Corner

Early childhood is the time to awaken the imagination...

Get Your Kids to Eat Healthy

Getting your kids to eat healthy food can be difficult. Serve healthy food choices with same enthusiasm as dessert. Try to serve vegetables more often and present them in a simple way. If you are serving cooked vegetables, don't overcook them.

Ask your kids to help you with the shopping and meal preparation. Try to make food shopping and preparation interesting and fun activity for the whole family. Kids like to help and have fun. Activity like that is also a good way to get them more interested in what you're serving.

Get your kids to drink more water and take a stand against carbonated drinks and fruit juices. They are among the biggest culprits behind childhood obesity and full of empty calories.

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