
Business Tips & Info

The Accountant

Many businesses use the service of an accountant to put their income tax information together once a year. The good accountant can provide you with much more. He or she can help you interpret financial information so you can make business decisions based on facts.

Good accountant try to ensure that the income tax you pay is kept to a minimum. Shop around for an accountant who is enthusiastic about your business and interested in helping you anticipate and avoid financial problems.

Remember, most businesses are not receiving adequate service, mostly because they don't ask or they don't know what to ask their accountants.

You can't ask a financial planer to give you blueprint for your financial future if you withhold vital information about expenses and debts. To be licensed, most experts must belong to legally recognized professional associations. They are expected to adhere to strict codes of ethics designed by those groups and these codes protect you and your right for confidentiality. Any personal information you reveal during a consultation may not be repeated to a third person without your approval. However, an accountant may be obliged to give information about your income tax-returns to government authorities on demand.

NOTE: Accountants generally charge an hourly fee, and fee may vary, so it's good to shop around.

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