
Business Tips & Info

Defusing Difficult Relationships

Being a business owner can sometimes test you patience. Cranky employees and difficult customers can sometimes make you feel like you are a magnet for attracting frustrated people and problems. In order to survive and keep your sanity in going forward, address all factors that affect your business with a strategic and patient approach. How you respond can make the difference between solving the problem or losing your customer.

Remember the rules:

1. The first golden rule of conflict resolution: "LISTEN AND KEEP YOUR COOL."

2. The second rule is: "BE PLEASANT AND KEEP AN OPEN MIND."


Tips to keep your sanity in difficult business situation and work relationships:

The person "being difficult" just wants to be heard. They may actually have a good reason to be upset.

Set aside your own agenda and listen.

Smile and ask questions with a positive attitude. The power of a smile and a positive attitude can have an amazing and calming effect.

Examine how you or your business contributed to the situation.

Manage your own defensiveness and commit to acting in ways that better serve the other person and your own interests.

Use the least amount of judgment possible.

Keep on mind that anger, bullying and passive aggressiveness are the most common traits of people viewed as difficult.

Try to manage pattern of the behavior rather than focusing on the person behind them.

Show empathy because you never know what their day has been like.

Be a calming influence by helping them to identify the source of their distress.

Acknowledge the negative experience, try to find solution, but steer clear of admitting negligence. Negligence can be used as an admission of liability.

Learn from your mistakes so you can improve going forward.

Think and don't rush into moves that are not in your best interest.

Don't accept aggressive and rude behavior, call for help.

If you are in customer service, your job is to listen, assess the situation, and figure out what you can do about it. ~ Maya Gavric

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