Popular Drinks

A signature drink instantly makes any occasion festive...

Festive Citrus Tonic

Festive Citrus Tonic

This festive citrus tonic is perfect recipe for birthday party, Christmas or any other holiday.


6 cups 100% Pure Orange Juice (without pulp)
Juice of 2 lemons
Juice of 2 limes
3 tablespoons liquid honey
6 cups tonic water
Zest and twists of 1 lemon, 1 lime and 1 orange
Sliced limes or fresh mint springs


1. In a large pitcher combine orange juice, honey, lemon and lime juice. Cover and refrigerate.
2. Prepare citrus zest twists, cover and refrigerate.
3. Slice limes, cover and refrigerate.

To serve:
1. Fill 12 highball or collins glasses halfway and top up with ice and about 1/2 cup tonic water.
2. Drop the citrus zests in the glass.
3. Decorate each glasses with sliced lime and serve.

Note: Gin gives flavorful kick to this drink. If you want to mix it in, you will need about 1½ cups of gin for the full recipe. If you want to add gin in individual glasses, you will need about 1 oz. per glass.

If you want to intestify the citrus flavor, crush the zest between the tumb and forefinger of one hand and squize it so that the oil from the zest sprays over the surface of the drink and drop the remaining peel in the drink.
Don't use big chunks of citrus peel twists for garnishing, a small piece the size of your thumb is all that is required.
Fresh mint will improve the flavor of this drink.


RomWell Holiday Season

Make your celebrations, simple, delicious and memorable...

Did You Know?

A great part of any company dinner can be prepared the day before. If you have room in the freezer you can prepare a lot of dishes well in advance, freeze them in plastic containers and use them when needed.

First thing to do is to select your menu and make a list of the principal dishes. With each dish have a list of the vegetables, sauces or other things to be served, and the time for serving. This will insure the dishes being ready at the proper moment.

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