Kids Corner

Nursery Rhymes & Music

The great number of nursery rhymes, which has come to be associated with a popular collection of familiar verse, is in itself sufficient indication of the manner in which that verse has been passed down from generation to generation. Who composed them, who just saved them, it is almost impossible to say. Some nursery rhymes are certainly very old and were doubtless repeated thousands of times before their first appearance in print.

Attempts are sometimes made to read into these rhymes a deeper significance than the obvious and simple one which has accounted for their enduring popularity in the nursery, but our collection has no concern with such profound interpretations. Our intention is nothing more than to have kids, who love them very much, just enjoy them.

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In Memory of Myron Angus - One Truly Amazing Man

Many people found inspiration through Myron Angus, a talented handicapped artist of international fame, who created all his works through painting with his mouth. He has mastered that fascinating technique of painting with the brush held between his teeth, and had ability to talk and paint at the same time. A simple dowel-rod with a rubber tip held between his teeth and his determination made it all possible. This other way of doing things didn't just happen over night.

When Myron was about 7 years old, his parents were visiting the C.N.E. in Toronto, Ontario. There, they came across a man by the name of Bill Watson (Canadian author and journalist William Ritchie Watson) at one of the displays. He was autographing the book "My Desire" which he had written by holding a pen in his mouth, he had no arms. When Mr. and Mrs. Angus told him about their son, he autographed a copy of the book special for Myron. Then he told them to put a pencil between his teeth. Let him learn to control the pencil this way, then put him in school.

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