Family Fun

Rainy Day Rescue

Rainy Day Rescue

Planning ahead can set the stage for a memorable games that can improve self-esteem for all participants and create better comunication between you and your kids.

Children love to pretend. If your children have a favourite book, liven up your story line by having kids act out the parts of the characters in familiar stories.

Go all out and make costumes for the characters. Keeping a dress-up box handy will make for an awesome performance.

You can also have a puppet show to tell the story. If you don't have any store bought puppets handy, make your own! They can be brown paper bags with crayon-drawn faces. Drawings of characters cut out and placed on popsicle sticks work wonders for table top shows.

An old cardboard box for the stage and a scrap for curtains, and you can make a first class tabletop puppet theater in minutes.

Use two squares of felt and draw the shape of your character on the top piece of felt. Pin them together, with the outline on top, and cut through both layers at the same time. take the top shape of felt and give your character a face and any other decorations you want. Sew the two pieces of your character together and place on popsicle stick.

You can use other small objects and containers to create different characters. Let your imagination and creativity be your guide. Older kids can help you create interesting puppets and provide their own ideas. Creating homemade puppets is funny and interesting activity for whole family.

Related Links:

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Children's Health

Signs that will help you determine whether or not your child is ill...

Improving Eyesight - Understanding Astigmatism

Astigmatism is normal as people age. Astigmatism happens when the eyeball loses its roundness and vision starts to become hazy. Astigmatism can also be caused by years of stress and strain on the eyes. The eye is surrounded by tiny muscles that help the eye ball elongate and contract. Years of tension, can weaken these muscles and cause problems when the eyes need to change shape.

The eyes are never ever truly round; they are constantly changing shapes depending on the situation. Everyone has astigmatism every once in awhile. In fact, you can create the illusion of astigmatism right now by pulling on the eye lids and blurring the vision. The eyes will usually fix themselves in a few hours or days; without the use of glasses. Artificial lenses mask the problem and prevent the eyes from healing themselves.

The eyes are amazing organs and they are the first line of defense against tension; we just tend to ignore those signs. If vision because blurry or distorted, your eyes are telling you to relax and take it easy.

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