Family Fun

Egghead Hair

Egghead Hair

Once you have finished making one egghead, you want be able to stop!

You will Need:

Clean eggshell with top broken off

Potting soil

Grass seed, wheat, or rye seed

Construction paper


Permanent magic marker

Bead eyes, optional


Stapler or tape to fasten the ring

Start with a clean eggshell that has only the top of the shell missing.

Cut a 1" strip of construction paper and make a small ring to hold the egg and keep it from rolling around. if you don't have construction paper, use thin cardboard instead. you can decorate the strip with crayons if you wish.

Draw a face on the egg (for young kids, a grownup might do this part). be sure to put it on the upper part of the shell, so that it will show when the egg is on the paper ring.

Fill the shell with potting soil, and then sprinkle seeds on the top. Add a very thin layer of soil over the seeds.

Water and keep in a sunny location. When the grass sprouts, your egg will grow hair!

Related Links:

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Play With Children
Rainy Day Rescue
Make Your Own Play Dough
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Egghead Hair
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