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Drug Side Effects - We all know that certain cold medications, antihistamines and even cough syrups can make you drowsy. Bat you may not have known that the list of potential energy sappers features many other familiar drugs that can cause drowsiness in some people. These include some diuretics and certain blood-presure medications. If you often feel tired or run-down, ask your doctor or your pharmacist whether the medication you are taking might be the cause and what alternatives may be available.

Nutritional Supplements - Take nutritional supplements in liquid form instead in pill or capsule form.The stomach absorbs liquid supplements readily, they are much easier to swallow, especially elderly and children. The fact is, your stomach has to work hard to break down tablets before it can absorb them. Because they are so difficult to digest, they may even be eliminated before being digested. Capsules are easier for the stomach to handle, but they still have to dissolve before being absorbed.

Is It a Cold or the Flu? - Both conditions are caused by viruses, often have some of the same symptoms and generally linger for the same miserable seven days. But there are some key differences.
Cold - Colds are infections of the upper respiratory tract from the nasal passage to the throat. Their symptoms include congestion, stuffy head, sneezing, coughing and a sore throat.
Flu - Flu (or influenza) is a viral infection that affects the whole body. On top of cold symptoms, flu is characterized by muscle aches, fever (between 102 to 104 degrees F in adults), exhaustion and occasionally, vomiting and/or diarrhea. Flu is far more serious than the common cold because of its potential to develop into pneumonia. Flu can be deadly for small children, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.

Easing the Pain - For easing the pain of an injection press your thumb where the shot will be given until you feel resistance and hold it for ten seconds. Also, the patients who got the pressure treatment before a shot felt less pain than others who didn't.

Discomfort - Whenever possible schedule a discomforting event or appointment in the morning so you don't spend the whole day worrying about it. Fear can make you hold your breath, depriving you of oxygen and this can lead to stress and fatigue. Also, next time you're in situation like that, close your eyes and concentrate on breathing deeply and slowly.

Blood Pressure - If you often feel exhausted for no reason or become woozy after standing for long periods, feel dizzy while taking a nice hot shower, experience the nausea or lightheadedness, check your blood pressure and have a physician evaluate your health situation and blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the main risk factors for heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. If you don't have blood pressure monitor at home, you can check your blood pressure using the blood pressure kiosk available in most drugstores.

Did You Know?

More heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths occur in the morning hours between 6:00 a.m. and noon than during other times of the day.
If your gums are sore and your toothbrush feels too harsh, you can use cotton swabs to apply toothpaste. They're gentle and effective.
Healthy bowel movements are essential to a healthy body. The bowel is like a sewage system, unless we cleanse the system of toxins daily, they will enter the blood stream and harm the body.
If you had a hysterectomy without the removal of ovaries, your menopause may come earlier (some experts believe about two years sooner than normal).
Hysteroscopic resection is a less invasive procedure to remove uterine fibroids than hysterectomy, but unfortunately this method may not be suitable for all fibroids. Usually submucous fibroids (less than 5 cm in size) with a safe distance away from the outer border of the uterus can be resected through this less invasive approach.
If you have cold, you should drink minimum of eight to ten glasses of fluid a day to replenish lost fluids and keep mucus membranes moist.
Hot chile peppers can do more than increase your water intake. That four-alarm feeling you get from jalapenos is caused by high concentration of capsaicin - a natural anti-oxidant, known to protect your body from free radicals. Capsaicin also increases digestive juices, helping your system prevent diarrhea by fighting infection-causing bacteria.
Most people can best keep their blood cholesterol in a healthy range with a lower-fat, higher-fibre diet and by having an active lifestyle with less stress.
About one in five deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) is attributable to smoking.
Tattooing and piercing are permanent makeup procedures that may increase the risk of contracting a number of serious blood-borne diseases.

Learn More:
Bad Breath Halitosis
Constipation Solution
Uterine Fibroids
Alcoholism & Treatments
Cholesterol and You
Candida Yeast Infection
First Aid

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Our pages are created to provide medically accurate information that is intended to complement, not replace or substitute in any way the services of your physician. Any application of the recommendations set forth in the following pages is at the reader's discretion and sole risk. Before undergoing medical treatment, you should consult with your doctor, who can best assess your individual needs, symptoms and treatment.
30 minutes
physical activity
25-38 grams of
dietary fiber per day
6-8 hours
of adequate sleep


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