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Cholesterol and You

Cholesterol and You


Don't let yourself to be confused by cholesterol! The first thing to know to succeed in cholesterol lowering program is to be well informed and understand what is all about. Cholesterol, and your control of its intake, can be a very easily understood concept if approached correctly. This page, is organized into a many introductory topic headings about cholesterol with explanations following. You may jump to specific topic of your interest or read them all.

Adequate cholesterol is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Cholesterol levels vary depending on diet, age, sex, heredity, and other factors. Our bodies obtain cholesterol in two ways:
1. From the liver, which manufactures it and
2. From the foods we eat.

There are many benefits of controling cholesterol. The risk for cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis, heart disease, heart attack, stroke, high blood presure) decreases if you are keeping your cholesterol and tryglicerides in recommended levels. Lovering cholesterol levels may help adults with type 2 diabetes to prevent or even reverse hardening of their arteries.

A healthy diet and exercise are very important!

You can significantly affect your future health and quality of life if you adopt healthy behaviours. The best time to identify your risk factors and change your behavior is when you are young, but any time is good time to develop effective strategies to improve your health. Keep in mind that healthy diet and exercise are very important for your body and your health. Focus on a positive and set realistic goals. Unrealistically high goals will only discourage you. Expect to make many adjustments along the way. Learn more about cholesterol and healthy lifestyle and take action now!

Topics covered:
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Did You Know?

Cholesterol is an important component of cell membranes, sex hormones, the fluid that coats the lungs, vitamin D, and the protective sheats around nerves.
High triglyceride levels are a reliable predictor of heart disease, especially if associated with other risk factors, such as low HDL levels, obesity and diabetes.
A sedentary lifestyle is a known major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
For people with borderline high or slightly increased triglycerride levels, increased physical activity, reduced intake of added sugars and starches, and weight reduction can help bring levels down into the healthy range.

"Stress, immigration, and social isolation can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease."

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Acai Berry

The best acai berry products are the ones which contain 100% pure, organic and natural acai berry, and where the only processing ever done is dry freezing its pulp and skin and grinding it into powder (no laboratory processing or aditives). Look for products that are certified kosher, vegan and organic. High quality acai products have high ORAC levels. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities of different foods.