Travel Croatia

Short English-Croatian Dictionary

RomWell Travel Advisory

Days and Time

Croatia - Krka river - waterfalls

Days = Dani

Day = Dan

Monday = Ponedjeljak

Tuesday = Utorak

Wednesday = Srijeda

Thursday = Četvrtak

Friday = Petak

Saturday = Subota

Sunday = Nedjelja

Week = Tjedan

Daily = Dnevno

Months = Mjeseci

January = Siječanj, Januar

February = Veljača, Februar

March = Ožujak, Mart

April = Travanj, April

May = Svibanj, Maj

June = Lipanj, Jun

July = Srpanj, Jul

August = Kolovoz, August

September = Rujan, Septembar

October = Listopad, Oktobar

November = Studeni, Novembar

December = Prosinac, Decembar

Month = Mjesec

Every month = Svaki mjesec

This month = Ovaj mjesec

Year = Godina

Yearly = Godišnje

Expressions of Time = Vremenski Izrazi

Time = Vrijeme

Never on time. = Nikad na vrijeme.

Timed = Pravovremen, u pravi čas

Timeless = Viječan, beskonačan

Always = Uvijek

Never = Nikada

Forever = Zauvijek

Today = Danas

Yesterday = Jučer

Tomorrow = Sutra

Other Expressions of Time = Vremenski Izrazi

Exact time = Točno vrijeme

Exactly = Točno

What time is it? = Koliko je sati?

It's exactly two o'clock. = Točno je dva sata.

It's exactly five o'clock = Točno je pet sati.

It's a quarter past five. = Pet i četvrt.

It's half past five. = Pet i pol, pet i trideset.

It's a quarter to six. = Četvrt do sest.

At what time? = U koliko sati?

At six p.m. - U šest popodne.

Between five and six. - Izmedu pet i šest sati.

Early = Rano

Early Morning = Rano jutro

Early in the morning. = Rano u jutro.

Morning = Jutro

This morning = Jutros, ovo jutro

Noon = Podne

Afternoon = Popodne

Evening = Večer

Tonight = Večeras

Night = Noć

Midnight = Ponoć

Late = Kasno

Lately = Nedavno

Latter = Kasniji, noviji

Better late than never. = Bolje ikada nego nikada.

Sooner or later. = Prije ili kasnije.

Working Day = Radni dan

Holiday = Praznik, odmor

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