Great Craft Projects

Surprise your loved ones with great craft creations...

Red Roses Basket

Red Roses Basket

Create personalized unique basket like this, even if you never made any craft or a thing with your hands, from our easy to follow step-by-step instructions.


  • Country red wired paper ribbon (or any other ribbon you desire)
  • Wicker and moss basket with handle, 10" diameter
  • Floral foam to fit inside of basket
  • 4 birch twigs, 14" tall
  • 5 pieces isolepsis
  • 20 dried red roses
  • 1/2 pkg. natural wheat
  • 9 mahogany pods
  • 10 stems springerii
  • 6 wood picks with wire, 2" long
  • Floral wire
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks 


1. Glue foam to inside bottom of basket.

2. Insert twigs into center of foam, so that they extend upward and are on both sides of basket handle.

3. Insert isolepsis around twigs.

4. Cut stems on 5 roses to 12". Insert among twigs and isolepsis at center of arrangement.

5. Cut stems on 8 roses to 10". Insert in an uneven circle around the first group of roses.

6. Cut stems on remaining roses to 5". Insert around outside of second group of roses.

7. Cut six 9" strips ribbon, trimming ends on a slant. Pinch each piece of ribbon at center and secure center of each piece into foam with a floral pick, placing ribbon pieces around edge of basket. Arrange ribbon, using photograph as a guide.

8. Insert mahogany pods around edge of basket, using photograph as a guide.

9. Cut wheat to 7" and cut remaining wheat stems into 7" pieces. Insert wheat and stems between shortest roses and mahogany pods.

10. Cut springerii into pieces and insert in foam among pods and wheat. Let springerii trail over edges of basket.

RomWell Cookbook

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Basic Bar Tending Tips

Event glassware: Set out the right glasses for your event, like tall for cocktails, highball or collins glasses for mixed drinks or sodas, short tumblers for straight pour of liquor on rocks, martini glasses for martini or some classic coctails, red and white wine glasses for wine or wine cocktails, mugs for specialty coffee etc.

Fill pitchers with prepared drinks: Mix all sippers you can in advance and store them in the refrigerator for quick pouring.

Have garnishes ready: Prepare garnishes like fresh herbs, olives, citrus slices and berries and refrigerate them until needed.

Have ice available: Place ice in a bowl or bucket along with tongs on the drinks table so guests can help themselves.

Keep it simple: When planning mixed drinks or cocktails, stick to straightforward recipes with minimal ingredients. Making complicated beverages or cocktails for a crowd is no fun at all, and might lead to a disastrous flap.

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RomWell Holiday Season

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