The Holiday Season

We are dreaming of a sensational holiday...

Traditional Recipes

Traditional Holiday Recipes

We know how special The Holiday Season is for you and your family. The best baked goods are home-made. Nothing smells better than fresh baked goods during The Holiday Season.

We had lots of fun creating this holiday refresher, with some timeless recipes, tips and techniques for popular holiday classics, from delicious roasts to tasty side dishes, salads and other interesting items for your gatherings. On these pages you will find helpful hints and great recipes for the holidays, carefully assembled to help you make this festive season very special. Just click on the image or link to find recipes, ideas or instructions.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


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Did You Know?

Dessert is a course that typically comes at the end of a meal, usually consisting of sweet food but sometimes of a strongly flavored one, such as some cheeses. The word comes from the French language as dessert and this from Old French desservir, "to clear the table" and "to serve." Common desserts include cakes, cookies, fruits, pastries, ice cream, and candies.

An entremet (or entremets, from Old French, literally meaning "between servings") is in modern French cuisine a small dish served between courses or simply a dessert. Originally it was an elaborate form of entertainment dish common among the nobility and upper middle class in Western Europe during the later part of the Middle Ages and the early modern period. An entremet marked the end of a serving of courses and could be anything from a simple frumenty (a type of wheat porridge) that was brightly colored and flavored with exotic and expensive spices to elaborate models of castles complete with wine fountains, musicians, and food modeled into allegorical scenes.

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